« Strategic Blueprint for Enterprise Analytics », 2024, published by Springer Nature.
« Architecture of Advanced Numerical Analysis Systems », 2023, published by Springer Apress.
« OCaml Scientific Computing », 2022, published by Springer Nature.
Selected Papers
“Parallel and Memory-Efficient Distributed Edge Learning in B5G IoT Networks,” in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2023.
“Federated Learning with Heterogeneity-Aware Probabilistic Synchronous Parallel on Edge,” in IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), 2021.
“Understanding Scoped-Flooding for Content Discovery and Caching in Content Networks,” in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), June. 2018.
“Milking the Cache Cow with Fairness in Mind,” in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), ACM/IEEE, 2017.
“Owl: A General-Purpose Numerical Library in OCaml,” in OCaml Workshop, ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP), 2017.
“I(FIB)F: Iterated Bloom Filters for Routing in Named Data Networks,” in NetSys’17, Germany, 2017. Best Paper Award
“Fast Nearest Neighbor Search through Sparse Random Projections and Voting,” in IEEE International Conference on Big Data, IEEE, USA, Dec. 2016.
“FairCache: Introducing Fairness to ICN Caching,” in IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), IEEE, Singapore, Nov. 2016.
“Kvasir: Scalable Provision of Semantically Relevant Web Content on Big Data Framework,” IEEE Transactions on Big Data, Aug. 2016.
“Hybrid Renewable Energy Routing for ISP Networks,” in the Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2016, IEEE, Apr. 2016.
“Pro-Diluvian: Understanding Scoped-Flooding for Content Discovery in Information-Centric Networking,” in ACM ICN, ACM, Oct. 2015. Best Paper Award
“Understanding Internet Usage and Network Locality in a Rural Community Wireless Mesh Network,” in ACM AINTEC, ACM, Nov. 2015. Best Paper Award
“Measuring Large-Scale Distributed Systems: Case of BitTorrent Mainline DHT,” in the Proceedings of IEEE Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P). Vol.1, No.1, pp.1-10, Sept. 9-11 2013.
Other Papers
“Executing Owl Computation on GPU and TPU,” in OCaml 2019 co-located with ICFP’19, Berlin, Germany, 2019. $
“OwlDE: Making ODEs First-class Owl Citizens,” in OCaml 2019 co-located with ICFP’19, Berlin, Germany, 2019. $
“Data Analytics Service Composition and Deployment on Edge Devices,” in ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Workshop on Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Data Communication Networks (Big-DAMA), 2018.
“Data Analytics Service Composition and Deployment on IoT Devices,” in ACM Open IoT Day, 2018.
“Privacy-Preserving Personal Model Training,” in ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI), 2018.
“Building Accountability into the Internet of Things: The IoT Databox Model,” in Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments, Springer, 2018.
“Privacy-preserving Machine Learning Based Data Analytics on Edge Devices,” in AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES), 2018.
“Of Bots and Humans (on Twitter),” in IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2017.
“Containing User-Centric Processing of Personal Data with Databox,” in ACM Workshop on Cloud-Assisted Networking (CAN), 2016.
“Resource Pooling for Wireless Networks: Solutions for the Developing World,” ACM Computer Communication Reviews, ACM, Nov. 2016.
“C3PO: Computation Congestion Control (PrOactive) - dynamic diffusion of ephemeral services,” in ACM ICN (Information-Centric Networking), ACM, Sept. 2016.
“On Content Indexing for Off-Path Caching in Information-Centric Networks,” in ACM ICN (Information-Centric Networking), ACM, Sept. 2016.
“Personal Data Management with the Databox: What’s Inside the Box?,” in Cloud-Assisted Networking workshop co-located with ACM CoNEXT, 2016.
“Scalable Bloom-Filter Based Content Dissemination in Community Networks using Information-Centric Principles,” in IEICE ICTF’16, Greece, Jul. 2016.
“Bandwidth-aware Service Placement in Community Network Clouds,” in IEEE Local Computer Networks (LCN), Dubai, UAE, Jul. 2016.
“Taming Limits with Approximate Networking,” ACM LIMITS’16 (Computing within Limits), ACM, Irvine, CA, USA, Jun. 2016.
“LiteLab: Efficient Large-scale Network Experiments,” in the Proceedings of IEEE CCNC FI4D, IEEE, Jan. 2016.
“Optimal Chunking and Partial Caching in Information-Centric Networks,” in Journal of Computer Communications, Elsevier, Feb. 2015.
“Kvasir: Seamless Integration of Latent Semantic Analysis-Based Content Provision into Web Browsing,” in the Proceedings of WWW Companion’15, May. 2015.
“SCANDEX: Service Centric Networking for Challenged Decentralised Networks,” in the Proceedings of ACM Mobisys DIY Workshop. ACM, May. 2015.
“Content, Topology and Cooperation in In-network Caching,” PhD thesis, Series of Publications A, Report A-2015-1, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland, March. 2015.
“Effects of Cooperation Policy and Network Topology on Performance of In-network Caching,” in IEEE Communication Letters. IEEE, Vol.18, No.4, pp.680-683, Apr. 2014.
“Enhancing Compact Routing in CCN with Prefix Embedding and Topology-Aware Hashing,” in the Proceedings of ACM MobiCom workshop on MobiArch. ACM, Sept. 2014.
“MobiCCN: Mobility Support with Greedy Routing in Content-Centric Networks,” in the Proceedings of IEEE Globecom. IEEE, Vol., No., pp.2069-2075. Dec. 9-13 2013.
“Cooperation Policies for Efficient In-Network Caching,” in ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, ACM, Vol. 43 Issue 4, Oct. 2013.
“Neighborhood Search and Admission Control in Cooperative Caching Networks,” in the Proceedings of IEEE Globecom. IEEE, Vol., No., pp.2852-2858. Dec. 3-7 2012.
“Real-world Sybil Attacks in BitTorrent Mainline DHT,” in the Proceedings of IEEE Globecom. IEEE, Vol., No., pp.826-832. Dec. 3-7 2012.
NOTE: the $ sign at the end of an entry indicates that I serve as the project initiator and coordinator in the work.